Career Exploration: How to Find the Best Fit for You (Virtual)
This workshop will inspire you to think about and ultimately answer the question, “What do I want to do with my life?” In short, we’ll help you determine which jobs…
Creating Employment Success (Virtual)
So you've got the job ... Congrats! Now, how to make sure you keep it? And how can you continue to grow professionally with the company and become "ingrained" in…
Interview Techniques (Virtual)
This workshop will equip you with the tools you need to research and prepare for interviews. We’ll also improve your ability to respond to various types of interview questions. Registration:…
How to Build a Brilliant LinkedIn Profile (Webinar)
Don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet? Have a profile, but haven’t done anything with it for a while? Not sure how to use LinkedIn to market yourself effectively to employers?…
Second Career Information Session (Virtual)
Have you been laid-off? Are you unemployed? You can get financial support to develop new skills in high-demand fields when you qualify for Second Career. The Second Career Information Session…
Intro to The Career Foundation Webinar
Are you currently unemployed and looking for job search support? Don't delay; find out how The Career Foundation can help you today! Attend our Service Orientation Workshop and learn about…
How to Enhance Your Skills: Local & Web-Based Training Opportunities (Webinar)
Looking to enhance your skills? Aiming to transition careers due to recent lay-offs? Stuck at home, and curious how to maximize this time period? In this brief webinar, you will…
Résumé & Cover Letter Writing (Virtual)
Are you struggling to write your résumé or not hearing back from employers after submitting an application? Not sure what to highlight or remove in your cover letter? Our trained…
Job Search Strategies (Virtual)
Looking for work can be overwhelming, but don’t despair! Our experienced staff will train you in effective job search and networking strategies, while also providing practical tips and tools that…
Successful Networking (Virtual)
After attending this interactive workshop, you’ll feel more confident about connecting and sharing with others – an essential skill for job seekers. You’ll learn: How to get in – and…
Training and Support Starts Here: Contact North
This workshop will: Discuss the many free services that Contact North offers Including help with course and program research Connecting individuals with courses that match needs and goals Help you reach your educational…
Career Exploration: How to Find the Best Fit for You (Virtual)
This workshop will inspire you to think about and ultimately answer the question, “What do I want to do with my life?” In short, we’ll help you determine which jobs…