** Learn about Social Assistance

Social Assistance – Process in Ontario This is a program that provides a source of income and access to services for families and individuals who have no other adequate source of income. Learn who is eligible and how to apply. Registration: Click here to register!

**Looking for a job? Start with Networking for Newcomers

We’re facing an unprecedented situation with such limited contact permitted, so networking is even more important now for job search. This is especially true for Newcomers, as they face employment challenges that others don’t, no matter how impressive their credentials and skills are. The right way to network takes planning, effort and practice, but it…

**LinkedIn Basics

LinkedIN is 244% more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Twitter and 87% of recruiters regularly use it – are you in position to take advantage of this? If you do not have a profile, this workshop will enable you to build your own personal brand to enhance exposure to hiring managers, gain social…

**LinkedIn Intermediate/Advanced

This interactive session will enable learners who already created their profile (if not done, attend Level 1) and want to boost their personal brand and become an influencer, build relationships with prospects and close deals (social selling), establish customers, create more trust relationships, understand algorithms, dwell time, use of comments, video clips, etc. Registration: Click…

Sexual Violence Prevention

This workshop is created to provide an awareness and information on what sexual violence is and isn’t. We will discuss issues around sexual violence, preventative measures and provide you with information on services that can help. Registration: Click here to register!

**Preparing for Citizenship

Learn about benefits of becoming a Canadian Citizen & who can apply for Citizenship. Registration: Click here to register!

Resume and Cover Letter

Resume styles, accomplishment statements and skills that will set you apart from others. Resumes tips that get you to an Interview! Registration: Click here to register!